Financial Highlights


US$ million FY2023 FY2022
Revenue from sale of crude oil 207,015 170,259
Adjusted EBITDA# 93,817 61,654
(Loss)/profit for the year, net of taxx (69,362) 353
Total comprehensive loss for the year, net of tax (71,847) (4,704)
Loss per share (US cents) (4.91) (0.08)

Press Release:
Rex reports increased revenue and strong EBITDA in FY2023

Condensed Interim Financial Statements For The Six Months And Full Year Ended 31 December 2023

US$'000 31 Dec 2023 31 Dec 2022
Non-current assets 403,500 427,964
Current assets 209,723 240,594
Total assets 613,223 668,558
Non-current liabilities 365,245 336,169
Current liabilities 133,211 143,906
Total liabilities 498,456 480,075
Net asset value ("NAV")* 114,767 188,483
Total equity 114,767 188,483
NAV per share (US cents) 8.81 14.47

# Adjusted EBITDA = Earnings – depletion of oil & gas properties – depreciation – amortisation of intangibles – taxes – interest expense and income – impairment loss on exploration & evaluation assets – impairment loss on oil & gas properties – impairment of goodwill
* Net asset value as disclosed above includes non-controlling interests