Email Alerts

Welcome to Rex International Holding Limited email alert service. Our systems will automatically send you Company Announcements and SGXNet filings on Rex International Holding Limited.

Please fill in your details below to receive email alerts.

Fields in bold are required.

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Note: Data in optional fields may be used by us to better understand demographics and profiles of our subscribers.

Personal Data Privacy

Rex International Holding Limited is committed to compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012. We collect, use and disclose personal data for purposes as notified to you (for example, to send you Company Announcements and SGXNet filings on Rex International Holding Limited where you provide us with your details at or as permitted by law (for example, to respond to questions sent to our postal or email addresses or telephone numbers as available from

If you have any enquiries, comments or suggestions about our collection or use of your personal data or this statement, please email us at Thank you.