Lead Independent Director

The Company has a lead independent director who plays an additional facilitative role within the Board, and where necessary, may also facilitate communication between the Board and shareholders or other stakeholders of the Company.

The Board has a Lead Independent Director, Mr Sin Boon Ann, to provide leadership in situations where the Executive Chairman is conflicted. The appointment of Mr Sin Boon Ann as the Lead Independent Director, where the Executive Chairman is part of the management team and is not an independent director, is in line with the recommendation under Principle 3.3 of the Code. The Lead Independent Director is a key member of the Board, representing the views of the Independent Directors and facilitating a two-way flow of information between shareholders, the Chairman and the Board.

The Lead Independent Director’s role may include chairing Board meetings in the absence of the Chairman, working with the Chairman in leading the Board, and providing a channel to non-executive directors for confidential discussions on any concerns and to resolve conflicts of interest as and when necessary. Mr Sin Boon Ann is also chairman of the NC and the RC. The NC is responsible for conducting annual performance evaluation and development succession plans for the Chairman and CEO; while the RC is responsible for designing and assessing the Chairman’s remuneration.

The Lead Independent Director also makes himself available at all times when shareholders have concerns and for which contact through the normal channels of communication with the Executive Chairman or Management have failed to resolve or are inappropriate. The Lead Independent Director makes himself available to shareholders at the Company’s general meetings.

All submissions will be treated with strictest confidentiality.

Contact: independent.director@rexih.com